Introduction to Computer Programming (Undegraduate level)


Computers became fundamental tools for the work in the science and engineering domains. Often, software packages used in engineering applications are programable, thus turning the understanding of computer programming logic into an essential topic for the formation of future engineers. Besides that, in many occasions engineers are required to develop (program) their own computational tools, so that learning a general purpose computer programming language also became essential in the engineering formation.


This course has a main objective to introduce computer programming logic to the students, as well as introduce them to a general purpose computer programming language. Besides these topics, basic concepts of computer architecture and number systems are also approached.




  • Introduction to computer science.
  • Number systems.
  • Primitive data types.
  • Operators.
  • Flow control structures.
  • User-defined data types.
  • Memory management.
  • Functions.
  • I/O systems.
  • Algorithms.
  • Applications in Telecommunications Engineering.


  1. C++ Como Programar, Paul Deitel e Harvey Deitel, Pearson.
  2. C++ Absoluto, Walter Savitch, Pearson.
  3. C Como Programar, Paul Deitel e Harvey Deitel, Pearson.
  4. The C++ Programming Language, Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison-Wesley.
  5. Fundamentos da Programação de Computadores, Ana Fernanda G. Ascencio e Edilene Aparecida V. de Campos, Pearson.
  6. C: A linguagem de Programação, Brian W. Kernighan e Dennis M. Ritchie, Campus.
  7. C Completo e Total, Herbert Schildt, Makron Books.
  8. Treinamento em Linguagem C, Victorine Viviane Mizrahi, Pearson.
  9. Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados, ngelo de Moura Guimarães e Newton Alberto de C. Lages, LTC.
  10. Algoritmos e Lógica de Programação, Marco Antonio F. de Sousa e outros, Cengage-Learning.
  11. Fundamentos de Programação, Luis Joyanes Aguilar, McGraw-Hill.